Dave Solko
1300 Cryer Ave. Cincinnati OH 45208 |
513.871.1449 |
http://skunkworks.uc.edu/dave/ |
dave.solko@uc.edu |
Computer Proficiency
- Applications: Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, GoLive, Premiere, After Effects, Acrobat, ImageReady; BareBones BBEdit; Fractal Design Painter; MacroMedia Director, Dreamweaver, Flash; Apple Final Cut Pro, QTVR; Filemaker Filemaker Pro; Quark Xpress
- Platforms: MacOS, Mac OSX, FreeBSD, Linux, NT
- Servers: WebSTAR, ListSTAR, AppleShare IP, Apache, RealServer, SIMS, IIS
- Languages: HTML, DHTML, XHTML, XML, Perl, Lingo, JavaScript, AppleScript, SQL, PHP, PDF, PostScript, RTF
Professional Experience
Principle, May 1995 - Present
Pixel Alchemy
- Provide web design and consulting, graphic design, CGI scripting, e-commerce and database development. Clients include Mann Bukvic Gatch Partners, Horizon roductions, Northlich Stolley LeWarre, Time-Warner Cable Cincinnati, University of Cincinnati, Reel to Reel Productions and Cincinnati Film Commission.
- Integral to systems team for Kidlink, an international volunteer organization enabling children to communicate and display their artwork across the internet.
Systems Development and Analyst, December 2000 - present
University of Cincinnati
- Developed Student Portal. Project included evaluating existing solutions as well as developing custom program and database solutions for information retrevial such as weather updates, news headlines and a calendar.
Programmer/Analyst, July 1995 - December 1999
SDC consulting
Center for Academic Technologies University of Cincinnati
- Responsible for Web and multimedia research and development and training. Trained eight departments on creating a web presence, including police, Evening College, Student Affairs and Emerging Ethnic Engineers.
- Content developer for university websites including UC corporate site, Center for Academic Technologies, and School of Design.
- Developed introductory HTML tutorial. Used by professors at UC and Grand Valley State University as required text.
- Co-developed web-based kiosk for College-Conservatory of Music.
- Project designer and programmer for Managing the Newborn and Postpartum Experience, an interactive, educational CD for nursing students. Program is a follow-up to CBT laser disk used in more than 90% of nursing programs. Supervised a designer and programmer on project.
- Administrator for four Macintosh and one Linux servers on campus, including HTTP, FTP, SMTP, DNS and mailing list services.
- Consultant to Classware development team, an intranet-based coursework development environment. Classware enables faculty with no HTML background to create web-based course materials through completing online forms.
- Designed, developed and maintained the web-version of The News Record, a daily student paper. Automated the process of converting Quark Xpress files into HTML pages, cutting web production time by 75%. The News Record is the third largest circulating daily in Cincinnati and was the first in the area to develop a web version. Web version included multimedia enhancements to printed articles.
- Evaluate and recommend hardware and software solutions.
- Provide second-tier Macintosh hardware and software support to faculty, staff and students.
Teaching Experience
University of Cincinnati, September 1997 - June 2000
- Developed and taught undergraduate courses in computer graphics, internet basics, scripting, web design, multimedia storytelling concepts, usability testing and interface design. Student projects included a redesign of Design, Art, Architecture and Planning College web presence, UC student group websites and self-promotional pieces.
- Instructor at university's Faculty Summer Institute on Instructional Technology; a three week, intensive course designed to train faculty on coursework development with multimedia and internet tools. Instructed more than 100 faculty on basic HTML and web design. Thesis used as part of institute curriculum.
University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, Ohio
Master of Design - December, 2001
Designing Multimedia, an introduction to interactive design
Bachelor of Arts in English and Comparative Literature - December, 1994
Certificates in Journalism, Creative Writing and Professional Writing.
Macintosh certification - Master level - July, 1999
Publications and Presentations
Development of a CD-ROM to assist faculty in developing course work using Interactive Multimedia, Tenth International Conference on College Teaching and Learning, Center for the Advancement of Teaching and Learning, Florida Community College at Jacksonville, April, 1999
Flat-pannel displays, The Mac Report: August, 1998
Mastering Scanning Techniques, MacDirectory: June 1998
Vexata Quasetica, performance art: June 1997
Developing a Web-Based Kiosk, WebSmith: September 1996
Developing a Sophomore-Level Literature Essay: An Interactive Tutorial, Second Conference on Practical uses of Instructional Technology, Ohio College of Applied Science, February, 1996